Conference Access
As the PIMRC’20 approaches access conference content and build your personal agenda in Whova our chose virtual event platform.
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Instructions and FAQ can be found on the Virtual Event section of the website
News & Announcements
Conference chair’s welcome you to PIMRC’20
Virtual Platform will full programme now available
The offer of 100 free student registrations NOW SOLD OUT
Keynote Speakers, Panels, Tutorials and Workshops Announced!
Keynote Speakers
Important Announcements
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world including our research community in some unprecedented ways. While we hope the current pandemic will have subsided by the start of PIMRC on the 31st August, we realise many of you will have travel concerns as well as possible practical difficulties and we have therefore decided to move the conference online. We are nevertheless excited to bring this PIMRC 2020 to you in your location and we will work very hard to ensure the PIMRC maintains its high standards and quality of keynotes, panels, oral presentations of scientific papers and discussions. We aim to deliver the benefits to attendees that you have come to expect of PIMRC and we look forward to joining you virtually for PIMRC 2020 from the 31 August to 03 September 2020.
Accepted papers for the IEEE PIMRC 2020 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library after they are presented at the virtual conference. Information and instructions on how to prepare for a virtual presentation will be sent separately.
View our reduced Virtual Conference registration fees
We extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of our technical community for your understanding and community engagement. Although IEEE PIMRC 2020 cannot be held physically, the integrity and quality of the research and content will remain and now be experienced in a different way. Thank you for your support of our shared mission to advance technology for humanity.
Welcome to IEEE PIMRC 2020
The 2020 Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2020) will see the symposium hosted from the city of its inception, London.
The symposium has become one of the two major conferences of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) in the field of wireless communications and networking.
Originally founded in 1989 as a workshop in London and PIMRC has developed over the years to become a major international conference attracting the technical community from all regions and continents.
IEEE PIMRC 2020 will showcase contributions reporting original research results in all areas of wireless technology as well as in applications, services, and business. The conference programme will consist of prominent keynote speakers and industrial panels which will be confirmed in the coming month. While we had not anticipated moving to an online platform, we hope that a ‘virtual’ conference will mean that PIMRC2020 can be inclusive to all members of our community from across the globe.
PIMRC 2020 wishes to champion inclusivity.
To encourage attendance of students, 100 free student registrations will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. To support authors unable to register due to financial barriers, we will support students authors studying at institutions in lower and middle-income countries. Further details can be found on the registration page.